All was not well from the off. As Charlie drew to a halt at the rear of Checkley Manor, uncle could be seen sitting on the bench seat outside the back door. He was attempting to smoke his pipe, something I’d not seen him do in many a year. ‘You find us in a state of chaos.’ He declared, with a cough. ‘That couple will be the death of me.’ Cough, wheeze. ‘Why I ever listened to you in the first place I’ll never know, I must be losing the plot. If you’d been here when you should have been, messing around with politics...’
‘Uncle! What on earth has happened?’
‘We were promised two weeks, three at the outside, so far it’s been almost a month!’
‘Do I take it the Gregson’s are still living-in?’
‘You do.’
‘Well, we’ll leave you in peace then, go and say hello to Julia.’
We discovered Aunt Julia in the library, doing a rare impression of uncle, hands behind her back, pawing the rug of the hearth in front of the non-existent fire. ‘Be seated the two of you. I’m afraid you find me in temporary command, my beloved having deserted the field of fire.’
‘Yes, we’ve already exchanged words at the back door.’
‘How did he seem?’
‘Self-pitying more like. Now listen-up. Your task these holidays Tony, is not to keep your uncle absorbed in purposeful activity as before, but to keep Gregson away from him. And hopefully offer what assistance you can in facilitating their removal, ASAP, back to their rightful residence.’
‘I see.’
‘Whilst Charlotte will place herself between myself and Mrs Gregson. Any questions?’
‘Yes, what the hell has been going on?’
‘Evening Mr Gregson.’
‘Oh, thank goodness you’re here, sir.’
‘Are you free to talk?’
‘Yes, if you'd care to walk with me, I'm off to inspect today’s progress at the cottage.’
‘Things have been taking longer than expected I gather?’ I said, as we moved off.
‘Putting a bit of a strain on relations with his lordship I’m afraid, sir.’
‘Well, I’ll do what I can to smooth things over. So, the builders not pulling their fingers out?’
‘Oh no, sir. They’ve been very thorough, here every day when they have the materials. It’s the supply chain that’s the problem, demand for the most dependable gas heating parts has been very high, all the stuff that makes your system more robust, prepping for the row over heat pumps, which I’m assured couldn’t even keep the damp out of an old property like ours, located as we are next to the river. The supporting masonry is solid stone, only the back wall, the more modern extension has an insulated cavity now, and of course the roof, now has several layers of the whatever too. But even with double glazing throughout, you need heating with poke.’
When we arrived at the cottage, there was an old fashion hand written note left by the builders on the kitchen table. It read; ‘Will test heating tomorrow, if all’s well will leave on background, proceed with internal paintwork, five days approx. Advise further two days for further drying out before you return.’
‘That’s rather nice, to receive a hand written note, and legible too!’
‘Indeed, sir.’
‘How will the delay affect the bill?’
‘Hardly at all, the man hours have been more or less as expected, as I say supply chain issues, these lads always have other jobs to go to.’ Then he gave me a bit of a tour of the cottage.
‘Mrs Gregson will appreciate the changes.’
‘Oh, indeed, sir.’
‘How is her health?’
‘It will improve now. She’s become very much an inside person.’
Then we moved out onto the decking of the patio and took the walkway down to the little river jetty. ‘It would be nice to see fish back in the river.’ I spoke.
‘His lordship has been frustrated over acquiring the old brickworks. This A & C Restorations have plans of their own apparently.’
‘I know. Clean up the site, then half a dozen residential properties with river frontage and a generous half a field behind for a horse or two. The new railway company have already dredged around their quay at the old naval port and are looking to take on work further up river, provided the environment agency can be persuaded they don’t have a monopoly on wisdom when it comes to climate measures.’
‘You seem a lot better informed than we are?’
‘Well, fingers in pies Mr Gregson.’
Then we started our walk back to the house. ‘Looking back, I suppose relations with his lordship began to go downhill after all that business with the vines.’ Reflected Gregson.
‘Well, I feel much the same way, I found that offering help tended to fall on deaf ears, in the end I just went ahead and did things uninvited. He wasn’t displeased, he could see the sense in them, he just seemed more annoyed with himself for not being at the top of his game. He doesn’t seem to have grown into, growing old. I hope I learn not to look a gift horse in the what’s it! What’s for supper, I wonder?’
‘Pie, peas and new potatoes. Followed by a plumb sponge for dessert, the wife assures me.’
‘Oh, excellent!’
Nobody said much at the meal. Gregson saved his good news on the cottage until we were passing around the custard. I got approving glances from both Julia and Uncle, they must have assumed I’d been working my magic touch, I said nothing to disabuse them. Despite the fact we’d all been offered Mrs Gregson’s traditional English rural fare; I noticed everyone had cleared their plates!
The vines in the walled garden had been much neglected. I set-to, to try and catch-up a bit. But it wasn’t long before I was interrupted; ‘Why aren’t you keeping my beloved out of Gregson’s way?’ Said a stern voice behind me.
‘In case you hadn’t noticed Julia, both Uncle and Gregson are doing a perfectly good job of keeping out of each other’s way without my assistance. Besides there’s much to be done here.’
‘I see. Now then, since we’re alone. A is for Anthony and C is for Charlotte.’
‘I beg your pardon?’
‘Not like you to use such a simple nom de plume.’
‘Ah! Well, it is just a temporary measure.’
‘Enough to fool your uncle, you mean.’
‘He doesn’t have a suspicious mind like you. One has to try to do good by stealth where he is concerned. It’s just me doing what he always wanted, but with a bit of get up and go. Sometimes the best person for the job just has to step up and get on with it. I’ll hand it all over when it’s done.’
‘But at what price?’
‘The only price, will be greater influence.’
I found Charlie chopping wood. Stripped to sports bra, yoga pants and with her baseball cap serving as a sweet band, squirrel flowing out the back, she made an impressive site. ‘How’s it going?’ I enquired.
‘I’m catching up, slowly. Beatrice’s diet takes some working off.’
‘Beatrice? Who she?’
‘Mrs Gregson, idiot.’
‘I see. This has all been a bit of a storm in a tea cup.’
‘Uncle in a panic. Feeling the grip of the grim reaper’s icy touch no doubt, the whiff of existential despair.’
‘Well, you said it. We’ll need to get back to a strict regime of diet and exercise when we get home.’
‘Oh my God.’ I said, as another log split neatly with a single blow and fell to the ground.