‘Be so good as to bring the car around Sparkwell, I’ve been invited to lunch at the club.’ There was no response, her head remained in a letter she’d been studying for sometime; ‘Not bad news I hope?’
‘Er, no. I don’t think so, here, you check it out.’
After a moment of contemplation, I said; ‘Well, may I be the first to offer my congratulations. You have ascended to the first rung of the ladder of respectability.’
‘But how has it happened?’
‘Well, as it explains, you were nominated by someone in your local community who feels your contribution should be recognised.’
‘Not you, then?!’
‘No, and they will want to remain anonymous, so you don’t make enquiries. Anyway, the details they provide get checked out by others.’
‘And this medal, isn’t it the lowest of the low?’
‘Yes, but that is the way it is meant to be. You are relatively young, the Crown hopes you will be encouraged to continue your good works, and in time, higher honours will come your way. As with all honours however, the system doesn’t always work, and some people’s contribution isn’t obvious at the time, so they suddenly get a high honour late in life. And of course, there are ways of bestowing honour posthumously.’
‘This wasn’t the Chief Constable then?’
‘I very much doubt it, at least in her official capacity, it was the fact that last time the idea came from above, that got her back up! And the more she is forced to fall-in with us, the more her seething resentment will grow, I should imagine. Although it must be said, her antipathy towards you is a lot less than it is towards me.’
‘You haven’t got a letter, why not?’
‘I don’t expect one. Most people believe I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, giving back is rather expected, and accepted as their due. “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than...” Besides, you have the advantage; “joy shall be in heaven over one sinner who repents...”
‘I’ll bring the car around.’
‘Anyway, I shall stand ready to be your consort as required.’ I continued thinking aloud as we motored into the countryside. ‘You’ll probably get your award from the Lord Lieutenant of the county, and your name will go on the Palace Garden Party list, there to mingle with whichever royal has drawn the short straw.’
‘Not Her Majesty then?’
‘No, not with her limited mobility these days. Unless of course she chooses to use her new buggy, she’s never been the sort of monarch that likes her public to parade before her.’
‘Whose giving you lunch?’
‘Frimley Coates.’
‘What does he want?’
‘I have absolutely no idea.’
‘Order what you will, my dear fellow.’
‘Well, thank you Frimley.’
‘I’ll come straight to business, then we can enjoy our food.’
‘Indeed; “When I pray, I pray. When I eat, I eat”.’
‘Saint Teresa of Avila, nice to know you appreciate the point. Er, the Prime Minister and I wanted you to know about a slight change of strategy.’
‘Oh, yes.’
‘It was awfully decent of you to but in a word regarding a seat in the Commons, but we’ve concluded that it would all just take too long.’
‘I see.’
‘He wants me in government, indeed in the cabinet. Well, with Her Majesty’s gracious consent of course, and I realise I am not worthy - I shouldn’t really be telling you this but I know how discrete you are - the fact is I’m to be elevated, a little young some will say I’m sure, to the peerage.’
‘Well, let me be the first to congratulate you. You have no ambitions to lead the party?’
‘Oh, goodness, what a flatterer you are Anthony. No, I hardly think I’d unite the party, do you?’
‘Perhaps not. I say, not wishing to put a damper on things and all that, but working in the Cabinet Office as you do, you’ve not been caught up in Rory’s committee’s enquiries into conduct-under-Covid?’
‘Oh, goodness no. One was investigated of course, we all were. But I was able to offer an exemplary account of myself.’
‘It’s my habit to arrive early and leave early. The church in recent years has been forced to take extra security measures, I was found, at all the times in question, to be in contemplation of less earthly pleasures.’
‘Unlike all the other Mr Cummings and Mr Gowing’s of this world.’
‘What exactly will your job be?’
‘Well, more or less the same as now, but with the authority to implement.’
‘Anything with post-Brexit constitutional implications, which is almost everything, should you wish to make it so.’
‘Yes, rather neat, all in all.’
‘You can be a scourge on whoever.’
‘Who is that lady your companion is talking to?’ Asked Frimley over coffee.
‘Mrs Armitage, she owns one of the bungalows, hangs out here quite a lot, she’s actually one of the remaining small investors in the Park company. Didn’t realise Charlie knew her. Oh, good lord, I’ve just had a thought, no, silly idea.’
‘Go on, spit it out, confession is good for the soul.’
‘Well as you might have guessed Charlie is a real going concern these days, and so she’s beginning to acquire some savings, and her financial advisor has been urging her to make investments. As a result, only the other day, I tried to point out the ground rules. But I also said, if she wasn’t motivated by profit, but sort influence, then being a small investor could at times be extraordinarily effective, and there she is, getting cosy with a prime example.’
‘How much of the Park remains with small investors?’
‘Eight per cent.’
‘Ah well, not such a bad idea to start with an organisation you know really well.’
‘Not for me it isn’t, not when you know the testamentary intentions of the other principal shareholders!’
‘Ada, how are you?’
‘Oh, middling I’d say, and you, young man?’
‘Bearing up, bearing up. I don’t mean to interrupt your conversation, but I just wished to enquire whether the newsletter on future developments at the bungalows made sense?’
‘Oh, yes, indeed. Very exciting, especially since it won’t cost us a penny! Phase one; fibre optics, tarmac round the back and proper fencing by the end of the summer, jolly good. The timing of the rest is a bit vague though.’
‘Well, we just don’t know how much repair or rebuilding of brickwork will be needed at the stables and in the walled garden.’
‘A few of us have been having a bit of a poke about recently. We think the greenhouse at the far end can be saved, by using material from the more wrecked one.’
‘Excellent! I’ll see what the builder thinks.’
‘Of course, your uncle’s book goes into some detail, that should be some guide when it comes to the look of the place. Now then, Charlotte here has been telling me about all the advantages of being better connected, electronically that is...’
‘Oh, and whilst I think of it, have you tried the new bus service?’
‘Yes indeed. Very nice bus. Very nice driver. But I think you might be missing a trick, Anthony.’
‘Oh, really. That’s interesting.’
‘You must ask the driver about passenger’s final destinations.’
‘Ah, fine tuning the route you mean?’
‘Bit unimaginative just running a shuttle service too. It should be a circular route for parts of the journey, you can take in a lot more, but hardly add to the journey time.’
‘Thank you, Ada, you’re a great help.’
‘So, what did Frimley want in the end?’
‘I’m not allowed to say. I didn’t know you knew Ada.’
‘No, not really, most enlightening chat though.’
‘What did she have to say?’
‘She spoke in confidence.’
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